Friday, April 30, 2010

Jackson, Mississipi and The Clarion-Ledger

Welcome to The Clarion-Ledger. This is the classiest newspaper lobby I have ever seen and one cannot stand taller and prouder to be in front of The First Amendment which guarantees our freedom of speech. I actually make it a habit to walk around the building and enter this way a couple of times each week...I am connected to a bigger, stronger and better world because of our Constitution, our freedoms and our country.
Meet Iraini, the smiling young lady who is the Sales/Retention Manager at The Clarion-Ledger and Chris Switzer who is the circulation computer whiz...not really sure what his real title is but if it comes out of a computer, mainframe or PC, Chris can pull it, analyze, organize and create the best reports ever. And the best is...he can make all the data speak English!
Across from the entrance to the paper is City Hall. The sun was shining and my little point and click just didn't do this building justice.
Below, just around the corner from City Hall and the Police Station was a car parked "normally" here.

Scroll down to see this.

This car is parked along the curve of a street. Sometimes, one will see even one more car parked behind this one. The street ahead has parking meters at each legit space. NONE here. And yet, these cars park here all day long, making it very difficult to pull around and between the cars parked and still be able to see if anything is oncoming. In this case, this is a one way street, but often this egregious behaviour occurs on two way streets. I have seen the same cars there all day and have checked (yes, I need a life) and there are NO tickets given. I tried to tell someone in the newsroom that this is a story and he said, "Not a story. This is how we do it in Mississippi."
I am home now and had a wonderful night's sleep with my husband and Chica. Tomorrow, Chica and I will resume our Hospice visits and get back into the swing of the Florida lifestyle. Hot here.

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