Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today was a dreary rainy day, cold and nasty. Nigina from the Embassy picked me up and took me shopping and I bought a few gifts. While visiting the Bazaar, I took a neat picture of a woman staffing her booth who used an abacus to count up what I owed her. I left that booth and went to another one a floor down, buying a few more things. I left my camera there and it is now gone and I just bought it in Africa. Stupid. So, my nifty picture is gone and so is my cool camera for dummies which was a wonderful point and shoot.

Went to lunch at a Tajik restaurant with Drew. We had shaslik, both mutton and beef and some sort of a Tajik play on empanadas with very flaky pastry. Good food and the meet was served with a plum sauce which was both sweet and tart at the same time. We walked into town to try to find my camera and then back in the rain.

The other photo I wanted to get was the photo of the young stylish women in contrast to the older velvet clad group. I will see if someone at the Embassy will lend me one for a few days. Started my report draft and gave that to Drew to see what he thinks about organization, content etc. and am staying in tonight...reading, working and having cheese, crackers and wine in my room.

Missing Christmas a lot. Won't be gone like this in December again. Oh, and I talked finally with Kristin and she updated me on Layne's jaundice. Sounds like she will be fine but the baby won't wake up to eat so is losing weight which worries everyone. But good to hear her voice. Heidi has been keeping me updated a that helps with the long distance worrying.


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