Wednesday, March 9, 2011

TSA and returning to our country....

Our last day in Antigua, I was wearing my Up North t-shirt and both Kenz and Logan had on Michigan shirts and we ran into so many people from Michigan...some mission workers, but many former residents and we met several MSU fans and alumni.

When we flew into Dallas on the return leg, we met the bitch from hell...a TSA person checking passports who decided to grab Addison and take her by the arm pulling her away from me. Of course, I followed and she yelled at me to stay where I was. Told her I wasn't being separated from my grandaughter and she told me she would have me arrested. Hmmm...just how many adults would allow a stranger to grab their kid, pull her away and out of their sight? Would love for her to have had me arrested. Addison came to stand beside me and another TSA agent, when I said, "she is being a bitch," responded, "yup, come with me." It seems Addison had not "signed" her passport in script...not sure when they teach cursive but she printed her name with ugly woman looking on....that was ME and the TSA person. I dislike poorly educated, low paid personnel being "in charge" of anything.

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