Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hiking the Breadline

Near Annie and David's place was a sign to the Breadline trail. Because it supposedly crossed somewhere near their home, and because both Richard and Alex had done it we went. No one indicated how brutally tough this hike was going to be and about 3/4 of a mile into the trek, I was reminded of my sister, Lynn, who laughed at how much folks whined when just starting the Appalachian Trail which she has completely hiked. So...I tried to not whine!
 An intelligent person who read this posting might have chosen to not try the hike. Fortunately, we found this at the end of the trail! Apparently, this is only worth posting at one starting point!
I did ask why this was called, "The Breadline" and Alex indicated I should look down over the bluff...that is where peoples' "bread" or living came from! We looked right down into the Lynn Canal which was teaming with jumping fish.
Our trail was very narrow and we were fairly certain, most of the time, that we were on the "trail." There were a few instances when trees blocked everything and we had to crawl around looking for evidence of where the trail might resume. Alex was great at this...amazing skills he has picked up.

For those of us who are parents, we spent so many years leading our youngsters, holding their hands and protecting them. Then, one day, if we live long enough, we get to see our children guide us, taking our hand and helping us face whatever is confronting us.

 That was the experience I had with our son. Alex led; planned; assisted and he motivated us to keep going.
This was a very steep section and Alex was looking at the path, looking at the roots and then, looking up the hill at his momma to see how best to get me down without my hurting myself. I did not fall once and every time I thought I might need a guide, a hand, a shoulder to lean on...he was there.

 Saw a bunch of mushrooms, some of which are poisonous. Saw these brightly orange fungi of some sort. Very pretty and I must look them up to see what they are.
Most of the time, as I indicated, there was a path of sorts. This gooey, mucky mess morphed into our path for about a 1/4 of a mile towards the end. Surrounding the path, no matter what kind were the Devil's Club you see to the left...big and leafy and prickly. On the right, the huge green leaves are "skunk cabbage" which the bears apparently enjoy when they come out of hibernation. Steep, tough terrain...had a ball!

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