Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Titanic Experience

Lots of controversy around the Titanic Experience, a huge several floor building that both celebrates and memorializes the Titanic. Hard to imagine celebrating such a disaster; yet, this ship was innovative. That over 1500 people died when it sank after hitting an iceberg means a huge disaster confronting the country and the shipyard, Harland and Wolff which built her. She launched in 1911 but wasn't completely outfitted until 1912. Days after her first occupied launch, she was on the bottom of the ocean. No one was near to help save the occupants. Many did survive but the disaster is still a source of commentary and revulsion.

Some say that one reason the Titanic went down is that when she was launched on May 31, 1911, no prayers were said. Those prayers were the norm and it is possible that the Gods were NOT amused. She was totally outfitted by March of 1912 and it was only days after she left the dock with passengers that she hit an iceberg. The distress SOS calls from the ship were horrible to see.

Many think that those who died were of the "lower classes." That isn't true...more men died than women and children. They were loaded onto boats first...a greater percentage of women and children survived. And several men are thought to be heroes for helping folks into boats...several giving up their slot so that those who were infirm could survive.

The museum is very advanced and one literally can see, feel and smell the work going on inside the ship as it works. We went into the bowels of the boat through several floors while riding in a cart.

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