Sunday, November 15, 2015

While in Kinshasa, I visited the Mausoleum of Laurent Kabila, a former President of the DRC. We were very carefully told where and how we could take photos and this area was notably vacant. There were no Congolese in sight, except for our tour guides despite this being a "national treasure." There are government buildings near by and there is a serious concern that there may be photos taken, or unsavory individuals might do damage. We were watched carefully by military police.

The burial site for Kabila is in an open air building. Notice the fist to the front left of the photo below. There are five of these fists holding/anchoring the building. The five fists signify the help and assistance given to Kabila as he took control of his country. The five countries that aided him in the take over of the DRC were: Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Angola. The actual coffin was down a few steps and covered with their flag. The photo of the flag appears above. A decoration on the upper level includes the lion, the symbol of strength and peace fronds.

These fists are terrifically impressive. NO way to look at these and not know the strength brought to this fight. Kabila's statue appears in front of the mausoleum and we were yelled at when taking a photo of this. Apparently, the government buildings behind the mausoleum and to the left are protected. Fortunately, my camera was not taken!! Interestingly enough, none of the statues I saw as we toured the city and museums had any plaque labeling what one was looking at; nor did they indicate who created the statue.

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