Sunday, July 26, 2009


A side note...I mentioned the moto-taxis here and I was told they are called "boda-boda" because they used to carry folks from border to border...get it "boda to boda." Thought that very fun. And today, I heard what I thought was Spanish as the guys were speaking it turns out, their language is a mix of Portuguese, Arabic, French and German. I wasn't crazy...Spanish words are part of their language.

A photo of the 52 rings and the 52 columns supporting the tomb, representing the tribes of Uganda. There was also a drum house, which we could not enter, because we are women!

The photo above is a display of spears, shields and photos of former Buganda Kings who are entombed and watched over by the ever vigilant women awaiting their spirit return. There is a current King, whose palace, our guide declined to show us. Am thinking it isn't quite so humble a structure.

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