I am hating how I cannot choose where these photos are placed on the page. Blogspot has changed a bit since I last posted which was three months ago. Much has happened in our lives since moving back to Michigan but I haven't felt like writing for some reason. Ah...this is about Costa Rica. Well, this is a mountainous country which means many winding, curving roads. There are many canyons and wide rivers to be crossed but, for some reason, probably cost, the bridges generally are one lane wide. Now, that wouldn't be all bad except one may round a curve to find the bridge approach is immediate. No problem unless you don't see the car on the other side of the bridge that has also just rounded a curve and mounted the bridge. We had to back up several times to avoid an accident and most folks allowed for a blinking headlight to signal..go ahead. Several shook their arms and hands in anger when they had to back up!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Bill's Place
Our first day at Bill's when we walked the beach, there was this huge piece of driftwood which was a good landmark so we could see where we needed to return to Bill's. The tides are huge here and this piece of wood was covered just a few hours after we took this photo. 
Kenz wanted to make some picture art...so drew this message in the sand. Pura Vida is used constantly by the Ticos and is used as a greeting, a good bye and an answer to whatever malady has occured. Water glass breaks..."pura vida!" Weather cruddy..."pura vida!" Bought a t-shirt and leaving the shop, "pura vida."A planter at Bill's which I love. He also has a big bush planted in a huge tractor or truck trailer which is a great idea. Rainy season ruins wood and the tire will last forever.
Hard to see this guy but he is a huge toad. They come out at night and Kattia was totally afraid of them. They aren't poisonous but obnoxiously large. What I never found out is...why do they stay outside and not hop into the house which was always open. They skirted around the doors and kept away which is lovely. Imagine waking up and going to the bathroom and seeing this guy sitting next to the stool at 3 a.m.
MTC on the piece of huge tree washed up on the beach that Kenz is seen on earlier. Next walk...no sign that we had actually seen or sat on this. Powerfull tide surges and the waves pounded continuously. Very relaxing.
The last day Bill was with us, I yelled at him that there was a horse in the yard. He asked Kenz to shoo it away and we couldn't. Bill came out and hustled the horse out of the yard, but not before it pooped a bunch. Bill went to get ready to leave and the horse came back. It belongs to a guy nearby who has a horse tour business and this guy got loose somehow. Bill left and when we got back to the house around 2:00 p.m. this guy was back munching on the grass. The owner finally came and got him around 4 ish but the yard had a distinctly horsey smell by that time.
Wandering in Costa Rica
We ended our week long trip with a last day's stay in San Jose. We, however, had the special opportunity to stay with my friend, Bill, who is pictured here on the right. Bill has a place on the coast, in a small community not too far from Jaco, with picture perfect ocean views. Here are Frank and Kattia on the far left, and they take care of Bill's home for him while he is working in Honduras where I met him originally a few years ago. Kenz, sitting next to Bill, met Bill last year in Guatemala where he also has work responsibilities. Bill joined Logan, Addison, Kenz and me on our last year's grandma trip in Chichicastenango. Kenz is wondering which country we will next encounter Bill? Has to be Spanish speaking because his command of the language is native...he sounds like a Tico...what Costa Ricans are called! 
This is Bill's home snuggled amongst some gorgeous palm trees. The hut above is where we ate breakfast in the morning and listened to the waves crashing across the path from the house.The gate to heaven is just below. Looking out of this gate, one sees crashing blue huge waves that are a surfer's dream and mile after mile of dark sand. Kenz and I walked the beach a bit each day and she found time to drift in the waves, do handstands on the beach and even found a horse to cavort with which found its way into Bill's backyard...much to his dismay! Big horses leave big piles of mierda!
What is extra special about Bill's place is that it is his piece of quiet on earth. And best was that we were able to have him at his home when we were there. We ate wonderful food, slept like the dead and had one outstandingly long power outtage which made for a long humid night's sleep...loved when the air kicked on around 4 a.m. Oh, and broad daylight occured every morning around 4:15 a.m. and nightfall was complete at 6:15 p.m. On the beach, with neighbors a ways away, no commercial business nearby and only the ocean across the street meant that an outtage was complete....black as all get out. We looked for flashlights and candles but...no worry. 8 ish...so we just went to bed and looked forward to an early start to another gorgeous day.
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